St. Luke's Episcopal Church
313 Main Street
Chester, Vermont 05143
(802) 875 - 6000
followed by Coffee Hour

In the event of bad weather on a Sunday morning:
by 8:30am we will post here, and send an email, should there be a change in the schedule.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild helps keep the Altar tidy and beautiful. There are teams of two to set up and clean up for both the Sunday and the Wednesday Eucharist services.
All of the linens are carefully cared for. This includes laundering the Fair linen and Credence table cover as needed, as well as the two Lavabo towels and the two Purifications used each service and also during other special services. Weekly memorial flowers are ordered along with all supplies needed for the important work of the Altar Guild.
New members are always welcome.
Two additional members have recently been recruited to bringing our total membership to six, allowing for greater flexibility among members.
We continue to use Chester Florists and, in season, flowers from members gardens. During this past year we purchased two additional oil candles which will be more cost effective in the long run than the beeswax candles.
Blessings to all,
Eileen Widger