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Anchor 6

Lay Ministries 

If you would like to learn more about any of the ministries, please let us know.
You may choose to use 
our contact form which may be found here.
Anchor 1


An acolyte assists the celebrant to lead the worship of God in several different ways. He/she lights the candles and rings the bell in the church steeple before the service begins. At the start of the service, they carry the cross up the aisle during the opening hymn, and during the closing hymn they return the cross back down the aisle to the rear of the church. He/she receives the offering during the service and gives it to the celebrant who is at the altar. He/she also assists the celebrant in preparing the distribution of Holy Communion and serves the wine once the celebrant has given the host to each person receiving the Eucharist.

Anchor 2


Ushers meet and greet worshipers to the service handing out bulletins as they arrive. When the offering is announced, they pass the collection plate around the congregation and then bring it up to the Acolyte near the altar. During the Holy Communion ushers are asked assist the congregation to and from the altar as necessary.

Anchor 3


Lectors (or Lay Readers as they are sometimes called) are persons who are assigned to read the appointed scriptures for the day and to lead the Prayers of the People. This ministry is to proclaim the Word of God by reading from both the Old and New Testament at church services. The term Lector is taken from the Latin, “to read.” 

Anchor 4

Eucharistic Visitor:

This is a lay person who takes Communion to those sick or otherwise unable to attend church due to health reasons, or to those who request it. A license is required for this lay ministry, and at present we have two members of the congregation fully licensed for this ministry. If you would like to have such a visit please contact St. Luke's here.

Worship Leaders:

This member of the congregation leads a non-eucharistic service (i.e. Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer or Compline.) A license is required for this lay ministry and we presently have three member of the congregation licensed for this ministry.  

Anchor 5

Coffee Hour Host/Hostesses:

Prior to the service, the coffee hour host/hostess prepares the coffee and sets up the buffet table in Willard Hall. Coffee and supplies are provided, and coffee hour itself follows the 10 a.m. service. The host/hostess is asked to provide cheese and crackers or baked goods as well as a small amount of juice to drink, and cream for the coffee, There is a small amount of clean up afterwards.

If you would like to learn more about any of the ministries, please let us know.
You may choose to use our contact form which may be found here.
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