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Meet Karlaine Livingston

our Organist and Choir Director

I grew up in the Episcopal Church in Claremont NH where I sang in the choir and was a substitute organist. I have always loved to sing and play the hymns in the 1940 and 1982 Episcopal hymnals. After I got a teaching job in Alexander, Maine, I continued to substitute at Union when I came home on vacation.

My first fulltime organ job, at St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Calais, was not until after I retired from teaching.


In 2014, after six years at St. Anne's, I moved back to Claremont to be with my mother, who was in declining health. I substituted for both Union and Trinity Episcopal Churches in Claremont. Marthe Dyner, the supply minister at St. Mark's in Springfield, Vt., recruited me for their two services a month with music. She knew me from the time she was rector at Union Church because I played for some of the services.


Because of contacts between St. Mark's and St. Luke's, I was offered the organ job in Chester when that position became vacant. Fortunately there is time for me to get from the 8:30 service at St. Mark's to the 10:00 service at St. Luke's.


I enjoy being part of both St. Mark's and St. Luke's parishes and plan to continue to serve as organist for the foreseeable future.

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