St. Luke's Episcopal Church
313 Main Street
Chester, Vermont 05143
(802) 875 - 6000
followed by Coffee Hour

In the event of bad weather on a Sunday morning:
by 8:30am we will post here, and send an email, should there be a change in the schedule.
Israeli Trip 2019 Completed
The Very Rev. Dr. Jim Kowalski lead a trip to Israel and the Holy Lands on February 3-13, 2019. He previously served as Dean Emeritus of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City, prior to his retirement and is no stranger to transnational hospitality, cross-cultural respect and inter-religious dialogue. Jim & his wife, The Rev. Anne Brewer, have recently retired to Vermont and are currently attending St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Chester.
He writes: “Israel remains one of my favorite destinations—even after more than a dozen trips there. It continues to fascinate me—as an experiment in democracy, as the meeting place of the Abrahamic Faiths, as a safe haven for all Jews from anywhere in the world, as a preserver of some of civilization's most important antiquities and treasures, and as a young nation of world-class creativity and entrepreneurship in a very tough global neighborhood.” There are a few openings but the deadline is soon. If someone is interested they should contact me.
Jim Kowalski tel: 802-365-4664 jim@brewerkowalski.com
View and download the full trip here.