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Saturday, March 14, 2020

At NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main Street, Chester, VT 05143

Event space generously donated by NewsBank, Inc.


Pre-register to enter the LEGO Contest and exhibit.Show off your building skills and creativity. No kits, please.

Categories will be judged by grade level, originality,imagination, and presentation. Prizes will be awarded.

For LEGOmaniacs in Grades Pre-K through 8. Plus a specialFamily Team category and a motorized LEGO category.

Public is encouraged to enter and view the exhibits.


Bring and set up your PRE-BUILT creation 9 AM-10 AM on Saturday, March 14th. Refreshments will be for sale.

Entry judging and exhibition will take place 10 AM-noon. Prizes will be presented at 12:30 PM. Special award for Most Vermont. Choose number of exhibition spaces @ 24” x 36” at $15 per space.

Registration fee: $15 per space for pre-registration by March 6; $20 per space day of event, if room available.

Please make checks payable to “St. Luke’s Church” and see below for address and entry form.

Entry forms and payment must be received by 3/6/20 to confirm pre-registration and reserve space.

A portion of the proceeds will go to the Children’s Section at Whiting Library in Chester.

PLEASE CONTACT Lillian Willis WITH QUESTIONS 802-875-1340 or

Visit, or, or for information

and an entry form. Printed forms are at Chester’s Whiting Library and Chester-Andover Elementary School.



$15 entry fee when you register by 3/6/20; $20 entry fee afterward or at the door, the day of the event, if there is space.

Enter me in the LEGO contest on Saturday, March 14 at NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main St., Chester, VT.

Enclosed is my per space entry fee. I must set up my PRE-BUILT entry between 9 and 10 AM on March 14.

TITLE OF ENTRY_________________________________________________________________________________

INDIVIDUAL, TEAM, OR FAMILY NAME (circle category and write name) __________________________________

NAMES, GRADES, AND AGES OF ALL ENTRANTS (age of oldest team member determines grade)


*I give permission for LEGO pictures and quotes of my child/children to be used by St. Luke’s for publicity.

*Print parent name __________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date ________

ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________

PHONE ___________________ EMAIL _________________________ Grade, Family, or Motorized Category (circle)

NUMBER OF SPACES (@ 24”x 36” each) NEEDED:________x $15 = AMOUNT ENCLOSED____________________

Mail form and check to Registrar Lillian Willis, PO Box 318, Chester, VT 05143 by 3/6 to confirm pre-registration

and reserve space. Make check payable to "St. Luke’s Church". Questions? Call Lillian Willis at 802-875-1340.

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