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St. Luke’s Memory Café

The First Thursday of Each Month.

at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 313 Main Street, Chester, Vermont

in Willard Hall Meeting Room (located below St. Luke's Church)

Overview of a Memory Café


                A Memory Café is a safe and welcoming place where a caregiver can bring their loved one and find support, social interaction, and enjoyment.  While the staff and volunteers attend to the loved one, the caregiver can chat with others in a similar situation.  They will get support and resources to help them not only care for their loved one but also how to care for themselves.  This is a free service provided through Senior Solutions and the Vermont Alzheimer’s Association.


Studies have shown that often by engaging in social situations and activities, the loved one may be able to slow down the progression of the dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s that they have been diagnosed with.  In addition, if someone is not yet diagnosed or has just been recently diagnosed, they are welcome to attend on their own.  Every case is different and there is no judgement at a Memory Café.  Hopefully it is a welcome relief to caregivers who hesitate to take the loved one out to public gatherings.  We want to assure the caregiver that we will keep eyes on the loved one, so there will be no chance of him or her wandering away.

Activities such as music, painting, conversation, moderate exercise, and games focus on pleasant memories, laughter and positive feelings.  Both groups are within the same room so the loved ones do not feel abandoned. We serve easy snacks and drinks. There is a greeter at the door with name tags for all of us and a sign-in sheet.  We will want an RSVP if you intend to participate so we can provide adequate snacks and volunteers. Please sign our image release so we can post pictures on our website through the year of our activities. No names will be used on photos.


The parking area is in the back and is an easy walk into the space which is bright and airy. For questions or to RSVP please contact:


Remember:  All are welcome!


Below is an appeal for volunteers



We need volunteers for the following:

   A.  Just to be a caring presence.

   B.  To sign folks in as they arrive for the Cafe.

   C.  If you have musical skill on a guitar or fiddle or keyboard.

   D.  To assist with serving snacks.

   E.  To accompany dementia clients to their table and keep them company.

We can provide a one hour training session for volunteers, so if you are willing to consider volunteering, please contact Senior Solutions staffer Joann Erenhouse at or Fr. Bruce MacDuffie at

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