St. Luke's Episcopal Church
313 Main Street
Chester, Vermont 05143
(802) 875 - 6000
followed by Coffee Hour
Ministries beyond St. Luke's
Many parishioners are active in pastoral care. As a part of our Stewardship Campaign, the parish developed “Our Giving Tree,” which highlighted individual efforts in the wider community. It was displayed in our sanctuary where parishioners were encouraged to create and share their own passions for community service. Over the course of the fall, the tree continued to grow fruit as individuals added their ministries.
Below are some of the ministries in communities beyond St.Luke's:
•Marcia C is the Health Officer, member of Windham Fire Co. and a Justice of the Peace.
•Tom & Eileen W volunteer on Bromley Mountain Ski Patrol.
•Eileen W is a Windham Town Library trustee.
•John H is also Windham Town Library trustee and a Justice of the Peace.
•Rick H sings in the Springfield Community Chorus.
•Janet H helps those who need foot care.
•David & Marjorie C volunteer at Chester-Andover Family Centre.
•Bruce & Lee M deliver Meals on Wheels each week.
•Lillian W. Chester volunteers with Chester Townscape, Chester HIstoric Preservation Committee, and the Friends of Yosemite Firehouse Museum.